Monday, November 22, 2010

Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"

What are your thoughts about Plato's allegory?  The one we dramatized in class today. BLOG.

Looking for the light?
Or merely viewing shadows?


Solipsism, Absolute or Relative Truth?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Awaiting Frankenstein . . .

Thank you Serio, Victor, and Brandon for your excellect pre-firedrill performance of Edward Field's poem "Frankenstein." You really brought the scene and the characters to life!

You will be happy to learn that  Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus  can be read on line. I want you to go to one of these websites and to read The Preface, which contains Robert Walton's first six letters to his sister Margaret.
CLICK  ON THE URL TO CONNECT:  1818 Edition   1831 Edition



In lieu of reading this book, which we do not yet have - alas how monstrous - I would like you to do Internet research about its editions, editing, and manuscript(s).
1. What "editions" of Frankenstein: or the Modern Prometheus are there?
2. How many times was this novel "edited?" Who were the editors?
3. What is a "manuscript?"
4. Which edition of this novel should we read? Why?
5. How will reading this edition affect our analysis, and interpretation of a novel?
6. Notice the first edition was published "IN THREE VOLUMES."  Why do you think it was originally published that way? What did each of these volume contain?
7. What is the book's full title? Who is Prometheus?
8. Notice the 1818 book is "authorless." Why?
9. Read the quotation from John Milton's Paradise Lost.  Who is being addressed? Who do you think is speaking? How do you interpret the words?
10. What else do you notice about the first page of the first edition.

Monday, November 15, 2010

HAMLET Essay Test

I went back and looked over old A.P.English Literature and Composition Tests to find a good essay question  for Hamlet.  I found one I feel is germane to what you have read: The 2008 English Literature and Composition Test, Question 3 (40 minutes). I simplified this question and tailored to fit Hamlet.
You may wish to refer to the October 29th blog posting on foils.

Hamlet has two foils in this play, Fortinbras and Laertes.  Write an essay in which you compare and contrast Hamlet to each of these foils and in which you analyze how the relationship between these minor characters and Hamlet illuminate the meaning of the play.  Substantiate what you say by making accurate specific references to the play.
This will be a closed book essay test.
Prepare to write this essay and be sure to get to class early. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

SUNY Website/Finish College Matrix 
By clicking on the above url you will be taken to a State University of New York website that was designed for high school students, like you, who have to research and then select SUNY schools which best fit their needs. Please realistically position the schools you select within your matrix as reach, possibility, probability, and saftey schools.
The time, the effort, and the thought you give to both researching and selecting which schools to apply to is a serious matter, and is your responsibility.
We will  briefly discuss the CUNY, SUNY, private school matrix tomorrow in class.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Students' HAMLET Quotations

Your posting counts for five (5) points on this test. Place your five quotations from Hamlet here before 9pm - I have to write the test! Write your name, then write the first five or ten words of each quote and where it can be found in the play by page number, act, scene,  and line  number(s). Indicate who is speaking, who is being spoken to, what the importance these line have in the play, and what they mean. Be sure to use this as a review study guide. ENJOY SHARING. Sharing is caring! Oh yes, please feel free to disagree with one another. Have a good time studying Hamlet.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

HAMLET Test Monday or Tuesday or both.

What is a dichotomy?
Which dichotomies were pointed out to you in class?
Compare medieval and renaissance values expressed in Hamlet.
How do pagan, Christian, and intellectual dictates in Hamlet contest with one another?
Why are Hamlet's soliloquys so central to this play?
Identify the most important soliloquys and the most important dialogue within the play.
Why are both the players and Horatio of such importance in this play?
How do concerns Hamlet express in his soliloquies change as the play progresses?
How is Hamlet a political creature?
How is  Hamlet's Denmark portrayed?

I strongly urge you yo reread sections of Hamlet, think about what we discuss in class tomorrow and Friday, blog about aspects of the play I will alert you to on this post and in class, ask questions, express your thought and intelligently disagree with one another in writing on this blog.